Pomsies How CUTE!
What is the surefire way to make your children smile when opening their presents? Pomsies!
So, what are Pomsies? Why, just the cutest things ever for every little girl, that's all!

Pomsies only became available in 2018.
The demand for Pomsies was so great that supplies of Pomsies ran low wherever they were sold.
Pomsies are interactive stuffed animals. As of this writing, there are many different Pomsies. The different kinds of Pomsies keep growing.
Pomsies are round like a pom-pom.
Children can carry Pomsies around with them. They can attach to backpacks or just about anything!
Pomsies' eyes change to reflect their mood or temperament.
Pomsies play activity games and need to be petted to be in a happy mood.
Pomsies are priced around $15 at the moment. They are available at Walmart and Amazon, among other places.
The prettiest one is Snowball. No, wait, the prettiest one is Patches. No, wait, it's Blossom! No, scratch that, it's Pinky, well, maybe Boots, or Speckles... oh, never mind, you'll decide which is the prettiest!
Little girls love Pomsies!
If you find the full set, it will make your child's eyes pop out!
Walmart has an exclusive Pomsie. But most of the others are available anywhere.
You can wrap your Pomsies in your hair, on your leg, just about anywhere.
Girls like to brush their Pomsies with the little included brush.
You control Pomsies by touching their noses.
Pomsies have giant tails that can wrap around your arm and hand so that they don't run away. They will hang there all day if you want them to!
When you touch and interact with Pomsies, they respond in different ways.
Pomsies tell you want by their eyes. When their eyes change color, that tells you if they are hungry or have the hiccups or something else.
You feed Pomsies by pressing on their mouths.
When Pomsie eyes are teal, that means they are happy.
Pomsies are for 4+ years of age.
It is easy to change the batteries of Pomsies.
The batteries are changed in the bottom of the Pomsie. You use a screwdriver. They take one triple-A battery.
Unboxing Pomsies is half the fun, learning how they operate and getting to know them.
Pomsies have dance mode. They dance like crazy!
If you get several different Pomsies at once, you can have an enjoyable time unboxing them all together.
When you shake Pomsies, they say stuff. Cute stuff!
Pomsies can also be used to tie your hair together.
Pomsies are awesome for group play by lots of children, they can all compare what their Pomsies can do.
Pomsies can be considered pets. Everyone should have a pet!
Pomsies are considered wearables. Pomsies have three sensors on their faces.
You will always know if your Pomsies are hungry by if their eyes turn yellow.
Pomsies are adorable when they dance to the beat of a song that they play.
Pomsies are made by Skyrocket. They are the hot toy of 2018, with a waiting list at most places. If you want one or more for Christmas, you had better hurry!
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