This page contains free printable coloring pictures of roses for your enjoyment. I include both the original picture that I took in my backyard and the version for coloring. The original pictures are included for reference, so that you know what the items were in nature.
These pictures may be a little more challenging than the usual coloring pictures you will find on this site and elsewhere. They may not be to everyone's taste, as they have a lot of detail.
I considered simplifying the pictures to eliminate the background, but decided against it. This is how roses are, in nature, and this page is for roses as they actually look. You can either try to color them in to match the original colors, or change the colors all around to make entirely new roses. The choice is yours.
I also varied the degree of shading in the coloring versions. In some I took out most of the detail, others I left in much of it. This creates different skill levels.
Roses make beautiful coloring subjects because they are distinct and vivid. They stand out against any background.
If I were drawing them, I would vary the colors of the roses that are next to each other, but that's just me.
The pink roses are the prettiest in nature, but they also seem to be the most fragile.
They are fairly big and, when printed out in landscape view, should take up most of a side of paper. You can vary the side, of course, with almost any image software such as Microsoft Paint.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these coloring pictures.